Bentuk Baku Dari 23.080.000 Adalah – (GMT) Pemberitahuan Penting Pemeliharaan server terjadwal pada hari Minggu, 26 Juni dari pukul 02.00 hingga 08.00. Situs ini tidak aktif selama waktu yang ditentukan!

Dirjen Kementerian Keuangan RI Kanwil : 00 BUN Saldo Rata-rata KPPN Level 30 Juni 2020 KPPN : 90172 Nama Negara : 90172 Nama Negara : 90172 Negara 1 2 Aset Aktiva Lancar Kas Kas Kas , Sapin 0, 757575 , 753573, 621 ,, 62335366 Kas Rekening Kas Kas Kas Waktu Investasi Tunai 0 Investasi Permanen 0 Investasi Permanen Jumlah 0 0 Jumlah Liabilitas Diragukan 0 0 Jumlah Liabilitas Diragukan 0 Term Liabilitas Para Pihak Ya 6.356.379 Total Liabilitas Jangka Pendek Laporan Valid 07 -23-2020 05:58:00

Bentuk Baku Dari 23.080.000 Adalah

KEMENTERIAN KEUANGAN REPUBLIK INDONESIA Tanggal : 23.07.20 Dirjen Kementerian Keuangan Halaman : 2/2 Kanvil : 00 Ban Center Ledger : KPPUNPNELEVENU12001 Neraca Pendapatan Pemerintah 0 Nama Estimasi ,, 357513, 357513. 56 9 8579.569.56949 Total Komitmen dalam Dolar Pendirian Liabilitas dan Ekuitas *** ***** Laporan eksekusi: 23 -07-2020 05:58:00

Tini Wini Biti Marie Susu 12gr 10 Sachet

Indonesian tasavallan valtiovarainministeriön pääosasto Kanwil: 00 Bun Pusatin kassavirtaraportti tilitasolla KPPN päättyneeltä lukukaudelta SD lukukausi 2 3 1 691.818.716.120.572 691.818.120.572 691.818.120.572 691.818.120.572 691.818.120.572 691.818.120.572 691.818.120.572 691.818.716.120.572 Alkaen Cash Flows 345,587,146,208,059 345.587.146.208.059 946 18, Income Tax Revenue 5,812,150,484,618 5.812.150.484.618 Oil and Gas PPh Revenue 411111 पेट्रोलियम पीएफ 12,60,363,377,205.47676.477737.4777.3737.1371.13751.1371.1371.1371.137 .11231। PPh Nedempuan Article 22 Import 19,641,549,660,088 19,641,549,660.088 411124 Income PPH Article 23 21,516,462,510,082 21,516,462,510,082 411125 Income PPH Article 25/29 Income PPh Article 25/29 Agency 411127 Income Income PPh Article 26 118,183,569.200.230 118.183.569.200.230 411128 Final PPH Revenue 24,086,394,556,345 24,086,394,556,345 411129 Revenue .279 Value Added Tax Revenue 44,303,455,898 44,303,455,898 VAT Revenue 411211 Domestic VAT Revenue 248,487,915,792,848 248,487,915,792,848 411212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212121212 .371 172,371,257,270,371 PPnBM Revenue 411221 Domestic PPnBM Revenue 70,957,293,651.151 70,957,293,651.151 411222 PPnBM Revenue Import 46,264,094.757 569 5,113,100,776,569 Land and Building Tax Revenues 3,352,340,881,183 3,352,340,881,183 411313 PBB Revenue Plantation 1,760,296,771,492 1.760.296.771.492 Pendapatan PBB Pertambangan Minyak Bumi dan Gas Bumi 924 332 596 383 924 332 596 383 411 317 Pendapatan PBB Pertambangan Panas Bumi 924 596 383 924 332 596 383 924 332 596 332 332 332 332 071.333 Pendapatan Cukai Pendapatan Cukai 56.114.532.544 56.114.532.544 411511 Pendapatan Cukai Hasil Tobacco 572.140.426.792 572.140.426.792 411512 Excise Revenue Ethyl Alcohol 411513 Drinking Excise Revenue Containing Ethyl Alcohol 3,332,499.133 3,332,499.133 411514 Revenue of Excise Administrative Administration 232.251.396 232.251.396 Other Taxes 75,597,285,352,656 75,597,285,352,656 411611 Stamp duty revenue 75,597,285 .352,656 75,597,285,352,656 411612 Revenue from Sale Draft Objects 161612 Revenue of Coal VAT 411619 Other Indirect Tax Revenues 178.684.212.400 178.684.212.400 747,202,650 411621 Interest Interest Interest Billing PPh 411622 Interest Interest Interest Billing VAT 24,537,941,388 24,537,941,388 411623 Interest Interest Interest PPnBM 8,182.257.266 Field Duty 2,676,417,038,631 2,676,417,038,631 IPORNANCE INCOME 412111 INCOME INFORM INCOME 723,980,135,651 723,980,135,651 412113 Customary Administration Fine Revenue 1,6 88,226,520,984 1,688,226,520,984 412114 (KITE) 259,776,088,175 259,776,088,175 412119 Other Customs Revenue 4,434,293,821 4,434,293,821 412121 Import Duty Revenue Antidumping 367,191,765,520 367,191,765,520 Report Run on: 24-07-2020 00:11:25 340,020.093.227 340,020.093.227 27.126.813.734 27.126. 813.734 18.178.427.366 .475 16.792.746.318.142 16.792.746.318.142 16.116.324.207.850 16.116 .324.207.850 15.352.023.815.515 15.352.023.815.515 303.544.551.470 303.544.551.470 458.802.966.625 458.802.966.625 1.952. 874.240 1.952.874.240 107.678.037.000 107.678.037.000

Baca Juga  Contoh Bahan Buatan Adalah

The Director of the Indonesian Republic of Finance Kanwil: 00 Ban Ban Pusatin Cash Flow Report by KPP SPEA SPORE 1 2 3 412123 Income affected by 568 744 073 292 Inport 568 744 0740 7444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444. 568 744 073 292 568 744 073 292 568 744 073 292 568. 83,3385,633 Export Impact Revenue 1,385,681,048,333 1,385,681,048,333 412211 Revenue .585,756,648 412212 Administration Fines Revenue Export Duty 412213 Interest Income Export Duty 93,031,685 93,031,685 NON-TAX STATE REVENUE 2,260,000 2,260,000 NATURAL RESOURCES REVENUE Oil Revenue 119,860,307,059,596 119,860,307,059,596 119,860,059,596 Oil Revenue Natural Gas 53,869,855,783,638 53,869,855,783,638 421111 Pendapatan Gas Bumi 27.991.867.836.873 27.991.867.836.873 PENDAPATAN ALAM 27.991.867.8673.8717.8717.8717.8717.8717.873.8717.8717. .095.304.587 General Mining Revenue 13.712.095.304.587 13 .712.095.304.587 13,712,095,304,587 421321 Revenue of Permanent Contribution of Mineral and Coal Mining Contribution – 10.156.916.036.795 10.156.916.036.795 Exploration 34 344,5003.509 344.09 34.032.309222 3212222222 321322 32138238,8938 99138 9 38138 9 38138 99139138391383233233333333333333333333333 उत्पादन शुल्क/ Copper Mining Royalty Gold 9,812,822,528,486 9,812,822,528,486 421334 Revenue/Roya Production Fee LTI Silver Mining 6,619,154,880,543 6,619,154,880,543 421335 Production Contribution Revenue/Royalty Nickel Mining 421336 Income Production Contribution/Royalties of Tin Mining 471.160.116.116 .116.116.490 471.160.116.490 Forestry Revenue Revenue Reforestation 34,060,366,668 34,060,366,668 421411 TUOTTEEN TUOTOTTEET 1 080 549,104 000 1 080 549 104 000 metsävarojen liikevaihto 421421 Metsävarojen tarjoamisen tulot 245 750 807,807.807.607.604.807.807.807.814.807.604.604. ,986,793 1,648,011,986,793 Revenue Use of Forest Areas 548,037,285,656 548,037,285,656 421441 Revenue Use of Forest Area For Interests Forestry 419,051,421,736 419,051,421,736 मत्स्य राजस्व ४१९,०५१,४२१,७३६ ४१९,०५१ .421.736 Revenue of Fisheries Exploitation 421521 Fisheries Fisheries Exploitation Revenue 24,744,437,150 24,744,437,150 Catching (24,744,437,150) (24,744,437,150) 42152 842.251 656.178.842.251 421531 Revenue of Fisheries Products Mining Revenues of Geothermal Mining 316.226.819.242 316.226.819.242 Revenue of Geothermal Continuous Contribution 4.909,868,946 4,909,868,946 421631 Revenues 4,784,138,696 Geothermal Production/Royalty Fee Revenue 421641 Geothermal Production/Royalty Fee Revenue 125,730,250 125.730 250 Perputaran Barang Milik Negara Terpisah Pemerintah (KND) ASET HASIL PEMERINTAH 311.316.950.296 311.316.950.296 di Kementerian BUNN 311.316 950.296 311.316.95,95 0,296 422131 315.216.315 737,799,348 44,737,799,348 422132 Revenue Share of Profits of BUMN Non-Banking Under 23,059,668,253 23,059,668,253 Ministry of BUMN 15,270,0790 Income 422142 Revenue of BUMN Profit Section/Non-Banking Institution below 7,789,588,262 7,789,588,262 अर्थ 21.6777777771.0951.1371.1845.7575.184545.18458585858585858585858585857585857585758585.1845857585858585.18458585.1845858585.184585.18457575758585.18457585758585 .184585.184585. 748.923.40.442.4092.682.40927.6822927.827.827.827.827.8270,710,710,710,7270,710,710

Baca Juga  Sebutkan 3 Rasul Dan Mukjizatnya

Kanwil Kementerian Keuangan RI Kanwil: 00 Laporan Arus Kas Konsolidasi Berdasarkan Level Rekening Akhir Periode KPP SD Semester Ini 1 2 3 Penerimaan PNBP Lainnya 41 243 151 41 191 41 243 151 41 243 151 41 243 41 41 151.772,1 dari 910, 2010, 2010, 2010, 2010, jasa keuangan, 0,05 Surplus pendapatan administrasi keuangan 83.129.050 Surplus pendapatan administrasi keuangan 85.129.193,93. ,050 8,265,367,690,826 8,265,367,690,826 Revenue from Sales, Management of BMN and Business Entity Fees 7,143,901,519,427 7,143,901,519,427 Sales Revenue of Non-Research and Development Products 7,112,153,292,809 Revenue 7,112,1524 7,112,1524 Sales of Coal Mining Products 425112 Revenue from Sales of Agricultural, Plantation, Livestock Products 21 440 539 507 21 440 539 507 ja viljely 425 113 Tarjousasiakirjojen myyntituotot 2 558. 610,952 2,558,610,952 425119 Other Non -Research Production Production Revenues 7,749,076,159 7,749,076,159 Revenue from Utilization of BMN 227.192.324.454 227.192.324.454 Road, Irrigation and Network Rental Income 893,572,981 893,572,981 425134 Pendapatan dari tanah, bangunan dan bangunan KSP 1.079.734.510 1.079.734.510 425139 Pendapatan dari pemanfaatan BMN lainnya 24.463.215.452 dari Bmn. dari BMA, .039.981.557 164.039.981.557 425142 Pendapatan Pengurus BMN yang berasal dari kontraktor 159.183.893.625 159.183.893.8. 425149 Pendapatan pengelolaan BMN dan barang milik negara lainnya dari operator batubara ng 1 391 659 512 1 391 659 512 Pendapatan penggunaan sarana dan prasarana menurut tusi 425151 Pendapatan penggunaan sarana dan prasarana menurut Tusi, listrik, pendapatan according to Tusi, oil 2026 09,426 09,426 09,42 and gas activities 425162 Crude oil revenue (DMO) 17,579,904.483 425169 Other Income from Upstream Oil and Gas Activities 17,579,904,483 17,579,904,483 Business Entity Fee Revenue 187,079,310,596 187,079,310,596 425171 Business Entity Fee Revenue from Provision of Business Activities 164,540,732,891 164.540.732 Penyaluran BBM dan 891.732

Baca Juga  Apakah Perbedaan Alat Musik C Dan D

Laporan audit bentuk baku, kata baku dari ijazah adalah, bahan baku plastik adalah berasal dari, tuliskan dalam bentuk baku, bentuk umum dari overhead travelling crane adalah, contoh laporan auditor bentuk baku, bentuk baku, sederhanakan dan tuliskan jawabanmu dalam bentuk baku, bahan baku anyaman yang berasal dari alam adalah, kata baku dari kuitansi adalah, kalkulator bentuk baku, bentuk adaptasi morfologi dari tumbuhan padi adalah